
Everyone from Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence to The Dali Lama is talking about the benefits of mindfulness in terms of growing your awareness, your focus and improving your performance.

Mindfulness is a practice that pervades your life and the way you think, as you develop your skills, because it affects the neurological pathways of our brain.

Green leaf with water droplet, reflection of dandelion flower in droplet.

Benefits of Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a particular way of paying attention, moment-to-moment without the constant critical commentary of our thinking brain.  Having more mindfulness in our way of being allows us to grow our focus and attentional capacity.  When we are more effective in our attention, more purposeful we notice different things.  Mindful practice gives us new knowledge through increased awareness and this leads to all sorts of exciting stuff!! Including more creativity, innovation and compassion.

If you are interested in improving your attention, your performance, your well being  or your relationships, experiencing mindfulness can help you.

Mindfulness is not an intellectual learning experience, it’s true influence is in the experience.   Like most new skills it helps to have a coach.


Mindfulness teacher

Sharee is an experienced Mindfulness practitioner and teacher.  She can guide you individually or in a group to understand the neurology of mindfulness and to build your own lived experience.

Sharee is a Senior trainer and consultant with the Potential Project.  The Potential Project provides corporate based mindfulness programs all over the world.  Each program is customised to your business needs.

Sharee is also a teacher-in-training with iRest – Integrative Restoration Institute.  iRest is an integrated program of yoga nidra.  The practice helps people find deep relaxation and integrates healing of the mind and body. You can learn more about iRest here

SKJ Consulting hosts lots of events promoting mindfulness, creating opportunities for people to learn and experience mindfulness for themselves.  To learn more check out our events page or phone Sharee today.

Learning the skills of mindfulness means people manage stress in their lives more effectively, have greater attention and focus and improved productivity.  In addition, every $1 business invests in mental health programs returns on average $2.30. Watch this summary of PwC Mentally Healthy Workplaces Productivity Report | Heads Up Australia.

Read more on Business case –  A mentally healthy workplace reduces costs.

Below, watch Mindfulness for wellbeing at work with Rasmus Hougaard at Happiness & Its Causes 2015


Contact Sharee today to discuss how mindfulness and CBMT can improve the individual focus and creativity of your people and increase your organisation’s productivity.


Mindfulness in Medicine

Mindfulness in MedicineFor doctors who want to take the best care of themselves and others.

In our 90-minute introductory Mindfulness in Medicine course for doctors, Sharee will help you understand the neurological and psychological benefits of mindfulness and help you start practicing and integrating mindfulness skills into your day-to-day life.


Discover how mindfulness can help you be a better doctor. Enrol in Mindfulness in Medicine micro course today.

Find out more